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2012 July to December
January 1, 2013 -- Vatican
Pope on New Year's Day: find inner peace in God
Pope Benedict celebrated mass in St Peter’s Basilica on New Year’s Day, marking the feast of Mary and the Church’s World Day of Peace. In his homily the Pope urged people to look to God and to his son Jesus for true peace in a world fraught with problems, darkness and anxieties.
December 27, 2012 -- Christian Newswire
A Plea to the White House for Victims in Illegal Human Experimentation in the United States and 48 Hours Later Still No Response
CHICAGO, Dec. 27, 2012 -- Christian Newswire/
There are human experiments that are currently being run at top hospitals across the country without informed consent while patients are under general anesthesia. Patients are not given the opportunity to provide informed consent for the testing of newly developed heart devices.
December 27, 2012 -- Christian Newswire
Open Doors Founder Brother Andrew to Speak at Church Event
DC Area Program Will Highlight Information About Persecuted Christians around the World
...There have been numerous incidents of Christians facing persecution around the world this year. Many Christians in the West who are not persecuted wonder how these believers maintain their faith under such circumstances.
Open Doors USA, International Mission Board (IMB) and B&H Publishing Group will host a special one-night event featuring a rare United States appearance by Brother Andrew, founder of Open Doors and one of the heroes of the faith
Pope Benedict XVI Christmas Day Message
December 25th, 2012 Vatican City
In this Year of Faith, I express my Christmas greetings and good wishes in these words taken from one of the Psalms: "Truth has sprung out of the earth". Actually, in the text of the Psalm, these words are in the future: "Kindness and truth shall meet; / justice and peace shall kiss. / Truth shall spring out of the earth, /and justice shall look down from heaven. / The Lord himself will give his benefits; / our land shall yield its increase. / Justice shall walk before him, / and salvation, along the way of his steps" (Ps 85:11-14).
December 24, 2012 --
To you, your family and friends:
Have a blessed and joyous Christmas.
December 24, 2012 --
Christmas ceremonies live from the Vatican
The Vatican Television Center and Vatican Radio will be streaming all of the Christmas ceremonies and events live from St Peter’s Square and Basilica over the next 24 hours and offering audio commentary in six languages.
December 21, 2012 --
Walk in the Footsteps of the Holy Family at Christmas
Holy Land USA Brings Faith to Life
Can’t travel to the Holy Land as a pilgrim? Not to worry: You can visit closer to home at the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in America in the nation’s capital, which has been named an official pilgrimage site for the Year of Faith.
December 21, 2012 -- Our Lady of Sorrows
The Twelve Days of Christmas (The Faith Hidden in Song)
Catholics in England were forbidden to practice their faith openly during the years from 1538 to 1829. This song was developed to communicate their gift of faith in coded lyrics. The 12 days run from 25 December (Christmas) to 6 January (Epiphany). The "True Love" refers to God. The repetition of the melody signifies God's continual renewal of His gifts.
December 19, 2012 -- By Bill Donohue
We're Winning War on Christmas
The "War on Christmas" began in earnest in the 1980s when the American Civil Liberties Union was filing one lawsuit after another attempting to ban manger scenes on public property.
In the 1990s, the Christmas wars morphed into the multicultural agenda of the nation’s schools, affecting curricula and school concerts. Worse, even the private sector began a campaign to neuter Christmas in the workplace
December 19, 2012 -- CNA/EWTN News
DC appeals court rules new contraception rule must be issued
Religious freedom advocates applauded a federal appeals court’s decision to hold the government accountable for revising its controversial contraception mandate.
Kyle Duncan, general counsel for the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, called the decision “a win not just for Belmont Abbey and Wheaton, but for all religious non-profits challenging the mandate.”
December 18, 2012 --
Federal Appeals Court Hands Victory to Religious Colleges, Commands HHS to Act Quickly to Fix Mandate
Washington, D.C. — Today, a federal appeals court in Washington, D.C. handed Wheaton College and Belmont Abbey College a major victory in their challenges to the HHS mandate. Last summer, two lower courts had dismissed the Colleges’ cases as premature. Today, the appellate court reinstated those cases, and ordered the Obama Administration to report back every 60 days—starting in mid-February—until the Administration makes good on its promise to issue a new rule that protects the Colleges’ religious freedom. The new rule must be issued by March 31, 2013.
December 14, 2012 -- Fr. John Zuhlsdorf
What young Catholics want
I was referred to an interesting blog post by a "Young Catholic".
This young Catholic explodes the assumptions aging-liberals make about what what young Catholics want. Here is a taste:
The problem is all these pastors, youth pastors and music directors keep telling us young folk what bores us, what we really like, what we find interesting. And guess what, THEY'RE WRONG! If one listens to the young Catholic voice, one would find we are yearning for beauty, for tradition and for truth.
November 28, 2012 -- catholicwvengeance.
What Young Catholics Truly Want.
Attention Pastors, Youth Pastors, Music Directors, Deacons and Catechists:
I have oft heard the complaint from you that "The young people aren't interested in Catholic faith, they don't come to Mass and they don't volunteer to sing, lector or help with ministries…it seems there is little hope these days!"
I've come to tell you, there is hope! The young people can be drawn to Catholic faith, Mass, choir and any church-related ministry. You can get them interested!
December 17, 2012 -- Newsmax
Catholic League's Donohue: Secularists Fighting War on Christmas
Catholic League President Bill Donohue tells Newsmax he is fighting against a "war on Christmas" being waged by secularists trying to "dilute or neuter" the real meaning of the religious holiday.
Vatican City, Dec 11, 2012 -- CNA/EWTN News
Vatican official warns of mediocrity in American Christianity
An official for the Vatican's Latin America commission has warned against a "gray pragmatism and mediocrity" that he believes has infiltrated Christianity in America.
"How many Christians today have buried their baptism under a cloak of consumerism and indifference," he said.
"How many devotions are practiced without an authentic encounter with Christ in the sacraments," he said, lamenting "the abandonment of confession" among local Catholics and "superficiality in participation at Mass."
Posted December 10, 2012
Preliminary Determinations of Final "At-Risk" Catholic Schools
Local Boards for the three pilot regions and ad hoc Reconfiguration Committees for the six non-pilot regions, comprised of laity and clergy in parishes across the Archdiocese of New York, have completed their preliminary evaluations of the current status and long-term viability of the regionalized elementary schools in their respective regions.
....Based on this review, the Boards and Reconfiguration Committees have determined that 26 out of 159 regionalized, parish and archdiocesan elementary schools are at-risk of closure in June 2013.
December 10, 2012 -- Pakistan Christian Post
Christians are 13% of the population of Pakistan.
International media urged to reveal facts about Christian population in Pakistan.
Mr. Nazir S Bhatti, President, Pakistan Christian Congress, expressed his concern that the international media on coverage of barbaric act of terrorism of killing Christian worshipers at St. Dominic church Bahawalpur stated that Christians are 1 % of the population.
It's very important to bring in the notice of international media the facts that Christians are 13 % of the population of Pakistan. We claim that in 1947 at the independence of Pakistan 5 % quota in government services was only allocated to Christians because they were 5 % of the population of Pakistan.
December 9, 2012 -- Delphi
Please do not close our schools!
The New York Archdiocese announced that 26 elementary schools are in danger of closing. 20 of a total of 179 schools closed two years ago. If carried out this would mean closing 46 schools or almost 26% of the elementary schools in the Archdiocese.
We consider our schools to be the first line of defense against the growing secularism in America. While trying to run the school system without a deficit is admirable, we know that it can't be done. Surely there must be other areas where the Archdiocese can cut expenses and subsidize the school system.
We admire the parents who keep their children in Catholic schools. Please do not let them down.
December 5, 2012 -- Michelle Bauman -- CNA/EWTN
Catholic charity groups welcome Pope's call for fidelity
Leaders of Catholic charities in the U.S. reaffirmed Pope Benedict's recent message on the need to remain firmly rooted in the Gospel and Catholic identity while reaching out to serve those in need.
"The Church's charitable work is directly tied to our love of God," said Don Clemmer, assistant director of media relations at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
December 5, 2012 -- Susan Yoshihara --
Cooler heads prevailed on Disabilities Treaty
The Senate's defeat of the move to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities was not a defeat for Americans with disabilities, though it may seem that way to many. That is because of the vast disparity between our aspirations for this treaty on one hand, and the limitations of its text and deep flaws in the UN system in which it will be interpreted.
December 5, 2012 -- Susan Yoshihara --
Catholic college faculty donors overwhelmingly supported Obama
Faculty and staff at 23 leading Catholic colleges and universities overwhelmingly supported President Barack Obama, according to a study of federal election donations conducted by
....Support for President Obama was particularly strong at Georgetown University (288 donors), the University of Notre Dame (89 donors), Boston College (84 donors), and Fordham University (66 donors).
December 5, 2012 -- Susan Yoshihara --
Queens parishes continue to minister to Hurricane Sandy’s victims
Over a month after Hurricane Sandy ravaged parts of the Caribbean and the United States, electricity and heat have yet to be restored to nearly half of the homes in some parishes in New York City’s borough of Queens.
"I’m humbled by the faith of the people, by the generosity of the people and by the spirit of the people, even in the face of such great adversity," said Father Richard Ahlemeyer, the pastor of two parishes that were severely affected by the storm.
December 3, 2012 -- Steven Ertelt --
Pope: Catholic Groups Can’t Support Pro-Abortion Efforts
Responding to concerns pro-life advocates have had about Catholic charitable groups that have been using donor funds to support pro-abortion organizations and efforts, Pope Benedict XVI released a new statement condemning the practice.
Pope Benedict XVI released an Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio “On the Service of Charity.” The document uses the kind of formal legal language that acts as binding legislation for the Catholic Church.
November 30, 2012 -- catholicnewsagency
The post-election Church
The cardinal looked grim. “This is the situation now,” he said. “One political party is dangerous and the other is stupid.”
Since that was said in a private chat, it wouldn’t be fair for me to name the speaker. But his comment expresses sentiments that probably are widely shared in the American hierarchy today, as indeed they’re shared widely by many Americans.
November 28, 2012 -- By Christie L. Chicoine -- Catholic News Service
New York Archdiocese announces 26 schools 'at risk of closure'
The New York Archdiocese has announced that 26 of the 159 regional, parish and archdiocesan elementary schools are at risk of closing next June.
In addition, St. Agnes Boys High School in Manhattan also is at risk of closing at the end of the current school year.
The Nov. 26 announcement of "at risk" schools comes two years after the archdiocese closed 20 schools as part of a reconfiguration plan.
....The number of students on the combined rosters of the 26 at-risk elementary schools is 5,053 out of 50,045 currently enrolled in Catholic elementary schools in the archdiocese.
November 27, 2012 -- Turtle Bay and Beyond
Germany: no patenting of human embryonic stem cells, if obtained through the destruction of human embryos
The German Federal Court (Bundesgerichtshof, BGH = the supreme judicial instance in Germany in all matters pertaining to civil law) has today issued the final decision in the case Brüstle vs. Greenpeace.
.....This was an important legal victory for the protection of unborn life in Europe. Its importance lies in the fact that for the first time – and with binding effect on all EU Member States – the supreme judiciary instance of the EU has explicitly recognized that human life begins at conception (and not, as Mr. Brüstle would have preferred, at a later stage).
November 27, 2012 --
There is a Civil War brewing in the GOP' over abortion: Pro-life leader
If the Republican Party closes itself to passing pro-life legislation, it will signal the end of the GOP and the formation of a new, pro-life third party, a leader in one of the fastest growing pro-life ministries has warned.
Over the weekend, 2008 Republican presidential candidate John McCain said pro-life conservatives should state their position on abortion, then "leave the issue alone." Elected officials, he indicated, should enact no new legislation to protect the unborn
November 26, 2012 -- Christian Post Reporter
Liberty University 'Obamacare' Challenge Can Continue, Supreme Court Says
Another challenge to the Affordable Care Act (2010), or "Obamacare," can continue, the Supreme Court ruled Monday. Liberty University, a private Christian university in Lynchburg, Va., founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell, sued over the law's requirements that certain employers provide health insurance and that most individuals carry health insurance on religious freedom grounds.
Liberty University is represented by Liberty Counsel, which was also founded by Falwell.
November 24, 2012 --
Six new cardinals: various birettes, tears and African cheers in St. Peter's Basilica
The Consistory at St. Peter's Basilica to create six new cardinals lasted less than an hour. But the ceremony was full of emotions and several exotic touches.
The event was smaller than previous consistories under Benedict XVI, with the creation of six new cardinals. In the past, the smallest group he had created was 15. However, this Consistory was perhaps one of the most diverse, spanning three separate rites.
November 11, 2012 -- -- Reuters
Venezuela, the bane of human rights
On Monday, new members will be selected for the United Nations Human Rights Council, the top-level group for the protection and promotion of human rights. Its members have not always been paragons of respect for human dignity. Those leaving the 47-member council at the end of this year include China, Cuba and Russia. But up for a seat this time is a truly unqualified candidate, Venezuela. Its strongman president, Hugo Chávez, has brazenly trampled human rights in his quest for power and political control.
November 11, 2012 --
Seed of the Church: Telling the Story of Today's Christian Martyrs
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò -- Apostolic Nuncio to the United States
This speech was delivered during the "Seed of the Church: Telling the Story of Today's Christian Martyrs" Conference, held at the University of Notre Dame on November 4, 2012.
November 11, 2012 --
Mojave Desert Cross Rededicated on Veterans Day
A historic war memorial known as the Mojave Desert Cross was returned to its rightful place in a fitting Veterans Day ceremony at Sunrise Rock.
The nearly 80-year-old war memorial cross had been at the center of a decade-long legal battle as the ACLU sought to have it removed from what was then federal land. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court, and the high Court overturned a lower court ruling which had held the cross unconstitutional.
Earlier this year, a settlement was reached transferring ownership of the property on which the memorial sits from federal to private hands.
November 8, 2012 -- CNA - By Michelle Bauman
After marriage setbacks, Catholic leaders disappointed but committed
Despite several narrow defeats at the ballot box on Nov. 6, marriage defenders say they remain dedicated to promoting and protecting the most fundamental social institution as the union of one man and one woman.
November 6, 2012 --
Most of the ballots are counted - and it appears President Obama has been re-elected.
In the coming weeks and months, the Obama Administration will be emboldened like never before to intensify its attacks on your religious liberty, the sanctity of life, marriage and family, and our nation's Constitution.
November 5, 2012 -- Delphi
Catholic Opinions -- Election 2012
Archbishop José H. Gomez , Archbishop Thomas Wenski, Bishop Thomas John Paprocki,
Bill Donohue the Catholic League, Archbishop Chaput, Archbishop William E. Lori.
November 2, 2012
Important message from Father Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life:
God is calling you to be a Prophet for Life this election!
Yes, YOU!
God placed you here at this moment for a reason. And I believe He did so because He wants YOU to tell all those you know that they have a grave moral obligation, not merely to vote ...
... but to VOTE PRO-LIFE.
After all, if a politician can't respect the life of a little baby, how can we expect him to respect ours?
Right now, go to his site view the video and share the message.
Mercy Chefs needs your help:
The need for meals in New York City has been unbelievable. Mercy Chefs have seen more than 3,000 people lined up at a time to receive a hot meal from our volunteers. Today, Gary and his team will provide between 4,000 and 8,000 hot meals to residents of the lower east side of Manhattan.
They are feeding people as fast as they can get supplies to the Mobile Kitchen!
Please help.
Bishop David Ricken -- Bishop of Green Bay, Wisconsin
October 24, 2012 -- An Important Moment
"A well-formed Christian conscience does not permit one to vote for a political program that contradicts fundamental contents of faith and morals." Intrinsically evil actions are those which have an evil object. In other words, an act is evil by its very nature and to choose an action of this type puts one in grave moral danger.
Ecuador in celebration for the beatification of the Missionary Sister, Mary Troncatti
On November 24, the city of Macas, capital of the province of Morona Santiago, will host a historic event: Cardinal Angelo Amato, SDB, Prefect of the Congregation for the Saints, by mandate of Pope Benedict XVI will preside over the ceremony for the beatification of Sister Maria Troncatti, of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, an Italian missionary who spent most of her life in Ecuador.
Every year violence causes the death of 80 000 children in Latin America
San José (Agenzia Fides) - An "epidemic" at a social level continues to rage in Latin American countries: it is violence against children which every year causes the death of approximately 80 000 children. Preventive measures and more information are urgently needed. Latin America is the most violent region in the world, where 28.7% of homicide victims are aged between 10 and 19, 6 million children are abused seriously, are abandoned and exploited.
Politics and moral complexity: God's law comes first
Bishop Thomas John Paprocki -- October 25, 2012
"It might also help for me to explain more fully the moral reasoning behind my conclusion that 'a vote for a candidate who promotes actions or behaviors that are intrinsically evil and gravely sinful makes you morally complicit and places the eternal salvation of your own soul in serious jeopardy.'"
Archbishop Chaput -- St. Peter's Basilica Rome Oct 25, 2012
Be Catholic before you are Democrat or Republican
"We do believe in the separation of church and state, but we don't believe in the separation of faith from our political life," he said.
"It's very important for Catholics to make distinctions when voting that they never support intrinsic evils like abortion, which is evil in all circumstances. That's a lot different from different economic policies" that people can reasonably disagree on, the archbishop explained.
Oct 25, 2012 -- Reuters
Chief Judge Jacobs Serves Up DOMA To Supreme Court
In a 2-1 decision authored by Chief Judge Jacobs the Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in the case Windsor v. United States that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional. The federal appeals court based in New York City joins the growing chorus of courts to strike down DOMA, and in doing so, nearly guaranteed that the Supreme Court will take up the issue of DOMA's constitutionality during its current term and potentially served up the perfect vehicle for doing so.
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Archbishop José H. Gomez -- October 25, 2012
Defending Our First Freedom
We are slowly losing our sense of religious liberty in America.
There is much evidence to suggest that our society no longer values the public role of religion or recognizes the importance of religious freedom as a basic right.
The canonization of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha in Rome, Italy on October 21, 2012.
Canonization Celebrations:
• The Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs, 136 Shrine Road, Fultonville, NY
A Mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated at 2 p.m. in the Coliseum,
• National Kateri Tekakwitha Shrine, 3628 State Highway 5, Fonda NY 10268
Celebration will start at 10:00 AM with opening prayer and dedication on the front lawn of the Chapel/Museum.
Canonization of Mother Marianne Cope at St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome on Sunday, October 21, 2012.
Mother Marianne Canonization Celebrations
• Mass of Thanksgiving at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace Honolulu, Hawaii - Sunday, October 21, 2012
• Canonization Celebrations at the Syracuse Shrine and Museum
October 18, 2012 -- USCCB
Archbishop Chaput: Public witness and Catholic citizenship
Weekly column from Archbishop Chaput, on October 18th, 2012
Public witness on issues of public concern is natural for Catholics because we have a commitment to the common good and to the dignity of each human person. Those two pillars - the common good and the dignity of every human person - come right out of Scripture. They underpin all of Catholic social thought.
October 15, 2012 -- USCCB
USCCB Evangelization And Catechesis Offers 'Ten American Saints For The Year Of Faith'Homily at the Opening of the Year of Faith
To honor the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Vatican Council and the twentieth anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI has announced a Year of Faith, starting October 11 and ending November 24, 2013, meant to strengthen the faith of Catholics and draw the world to faith by their example. Pope Benedict has encouraged Catholics to study the lives of the saints as part of the Year of Faith in order to follow their example.
October 15, 2015 -- USCCB
After a year of exile, anti-abortion priest Frank Pavone is back with eyes set on Obama, bishops
A year ago, the Rev. Frank Pavone was facing an existential crisis in the unlikeliest of places.
The longtime head of the anti-abortion group Priests for Life, Pavone had been confined to the Diocese of Amarillo by his bishop, Patrick J. Zurek, who sent a letter to every other U.S. bishop declaring that he had so many concerns about the group's $10 million budget that Pavone shouldn't be trusted with donors' money.
Pavone's backers were stunned, and many stopped giving, which only exacerbated the problems that helped get Priests for Life into trouble in the first place. Pavone also couldn't go on the road to reassure funders and drum up desperately needed cash.
October 12, 2012 -- Vatican Radio
Homily at the Opening of the Year of Faith
On Thursday Pope Benedict XVI celebrated Mass marking the 50th anniversary of the Opening of the Second Vatican Council and launching the Year of Faith.
Dear Brother Bishops,Dear brothers and sisters!
Today, fifty years from the opening of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, we begin with great joy the Year of Faith.
full text of the Holy Father's Homily
October 11, 2012 -- Huffington Post
Amanda Todd: Bullied Canadian Teen Commits Suicide After Prolonged Battle Online And In School
Amanda Todd, a Vancouver-area teenager who posted a story to YouTube last month about being cyber-bullied, was found dead Wednesday night in Coquitlam, Canada. Authorities believe she committed suicide.
Amanda's video tells a heart-wrenching story of the bullying she was subjected to -- both online and off. "In 7th grade," she begins, sharing her message on cue cards, "I would go with friends on webcam [to] meet and talk to new people."
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October 10, 2012 -- Steven Ertelt --
Paul Ryan: I’m Strongly Pro-Life
Biden: I’m a Pro-Abortion Catholic
Vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan made a strong pro-life case against abortion during the Vice-Presidential debate on Thursday night.
During a debate marked by Vice President Joe Biden’s snark and interrupting, Ryan calmly and cooly laid out why he takes a pro-life position and how his Catholic faith has helped guide him to a place where he opposes abortion.
"I don’t see how a person can separate their public life from their private life or from their faith. Our faith informs us in everything we do. My faith informs me about how to take care of the vulnerable, of how to make sure that people have a chance in life," Ryan said.
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October 10, 2012 -- Christian Newswire
American Heritage Girls Launch Video
2-D Animated Video Connects Girls to Faith, Service and Fun
What do karaoke, canoeing and cupcakes have in common? According to a 2-D animated video from the American Heritage Girls (AHG), it's where faith, service and fun come together!
AHG encourages families who are seeking a Christ-centered scouting experience for their daughters to use the video before church services, Scout Sunday, conferences, back-to-school nights and other community events.
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October 8, 2012 -- Steven Ertelt --
Almost 1,600 Pastors Defy IRS. Preach Politics From Pulpit
A record number of pastors this past Sunday defied IRS rules and regulations and preached politics from their pulpits as a way to protest the restrictive guidelines placed on churches.
A total of 1,586 pastors participated in Pulpit Freedom Sunday in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. This is the fifth annual event sponsored by Alliance Defending Freedom, a pro-life legal group.
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Vatican City, October 7, 2012 (VIS)
Cherish the Rosary During The Year Of Faith
Pope Benedict XVI: "in the wake of my predecessors, and in particular Blessed John Paul II who ten years ago gave us his Apostolic Letter 'Rosarium Virginis Mariae', I invite people to pray the Rosary individually, in the family and in the community, placing themselves in the school of Mary who leads us to Christ, the living centre of our faith".
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October 4, 2012 -- Steven Ertelt --
Obama Admin Sues to Force Arizona Fund Planned Parenthood
The Obama administration is using the state of Arizona and claiming that its new law revoking taxpayer funding for the Planned Parenthood abortion business runs afoul of federal laws.
The Whole Woman’s Health Funding Priority Act of Arizona (HB 2800) de-funded abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood of state family planning money. The bill is based on model legislation developed by the SBA List and the Alliance Defense Fund, and prioritizes family planning funds away from abortion-centered businesses like Planned Parenthood to entities that provide women with comprehensive health care.
The measure prohibits the state or any local government from using public money to contract with an organization that includes abortions.
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Vatican City, 3 October 2012 (VIS)
The Church Becomes Fully Visible in the Liturgy
The time dedicated to liturgical prayer in the life of Christians, especially during Mass, was the central theme of Benedict XVI's catechesis during his general audience, held this morning in St. Peter's Square.
"It is not the individual priest or member of the faithful, or the group, which celebrates the liturgy. Rather, the liturgy is primarily the action of God through the Church with all her history, her rich tradition and her creativity. This universality and fundamental openness, which is specific to all the liturgy, is one of the reasons for which it cannot be invented or modified by a single community or by experts, but must remain faithful to the forms of the universal Church".
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October 3, 2012 -- Christian Newswire
Democratic Affronts to Religious Liberty
Prominent Catholic and Evangelical Christians gathered on a press teleconference following the presidential debate. Talking about the issues were Deal Hudson, President of the PA Catholics' Network (PCN), Ted Meehan, Executive Director of the PCN and Sam Rohrer, President of the PA Pastors' Network as they joined with Pastor Gary Dull of Faith Baptist Church in Altoona, PA and Jo Ann Nardelli, a former Democrat who switched this year to the GOP.
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October 3, 2012 -- CNA/EWTN News -- David Kerr
Pope says liturgical abuses detract from Christ
Pope Benedict XVI has reminded Catholics that the liturgy belongs to Jesus Christ and his Church, and should not be changed according to individual whims.
"It is not the individual - priest or layman - or the group that celebrates the liturgy, but it is primarily God's action through the Church, which has its own history, its rich tradition and creativity," the Pope said during his Oct. 3 general audience in Rome.
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October 2, 2012
Susan B. Anthony emergency appeal
Susan B. Anthony List launched the "Women Speak" new "Super PAC" ad that will allow them to further expose President Obama's radical abortion record in key battleground states. Women Speak Out PAC Launch
Please watch the ad and make an emergency donation as fast as possible so that they can air this critical television ad during Obama's general election debate,
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September 29, 2012
Stand Up for Religious Freedom
The next Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally will take place Saturday, October 20 at noon local time.
This peaceful, nationwide event, the third of its kind, will protest the HHS Mandate and other attacks on religious freedom coming from the federal government, especially during this critical election year.
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September 29, 2012 -- Liberty Counsel
Please help defend freedom of speech
In a national mass mailing, the left-wing organization Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AU, or AUSCS) has falsely cautioned the leadership of 60,000 churches across the nation not to become involved in "partisan politicking."
Their goal is simply to SILENCE the truth from being spoken from our pulpits and DISCOURAGE people of faith from turning out to vote!
We must counter this attack in the few remaining days before the most important election of our lifetimes! We are stepping out in faith and have resolved to immediately distribute the entire remaining inventory (almost 70,000 Handbooks) of our powerful new resource, the Patriot's Handbook of Political Action for Pastors and Churches, in the next 14 days!
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September 27, 2012 -- ACLJ
Will President Obama support Israel?
In a moving speech before the United Nations, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu made clear Israel's desire for peace, but also its willingness to defend itself.
Prime Minister Netanyahu called for a clear line that Iran should not cross if it does not want war. In Netanyahu’s words: “Red lines don’t lead to war; red lines prevent war.”
Will President Obama support Israel, and call for Iran to not cross this line?
Sign our petition demanding that America support Israel and stop a nuclear Iran.
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September 25, 2012 --
2016: Obama's America' Producers Say Dirty Tricks' Used to Stop Moviegoers
Producers of the movie "2016: Obama's America" say there was an organized effort to drive viewers away from the theatrical showing of the successful documentary this past weekend by posting illegally uploaded copies on YouTube. The effort included a disinformation campaign that spread the rumor that Fox News Channel planned to show the movie in its entirety last Sunday, filmmakers said.
"The reports of the movie appearing on Fox before the election are completely untrue and we strongly suspect that they are the result of dirty tricks by our opponents who spread this rumor in order to confuse the general public and keep them from going to their local theaters,"
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September 25, 2012 -- Christian Newswire
Throw Obama Out -- Seven Swing States, Seven Campaigns
"Our mission is to bring down the Obama Presidency using graphic attack ads against Obama in seven swing states." -- Randall Terry
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September 23, 2012 --
Novena to the Mother of God for the Nation
Saturday, September 29 - Sunday, October 7, 2012
In 2012 we again turn to Our Lady for help. Many of the values that shaped our country from the beginning seem to be at risk. Pope Benedict XVI and the American Bishops have noted the erosion of religious freedom in the United States, the first value guaranteed by the Constitution.
The proximity of the Novena to the 2012 Presidential Election will also offer an opportunity to pray for all of our government officials and seek Divine Assistance in the elections.
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September 19, 2012 --
Over 8,000 Rosary Rallies to Blanket America on Oct. 13
In town squares across America and in 35 foreign countries, members and volunteers of America Needs Fatima will hold a record-breaking 8,000 Public Square Rosary Rallies on October 13, 2012.
The rallies will celebrate the 95th anniversary of Mary's apparitions at Fatima, Portugal, and focus on the importance of prayer and conversion.
"The people I talk to are anxious about the future," remarked Robert Ritchie, executive director of America Needs Fatima.
"Our institutions are failing. The economy is sliding. Society is crumbling. We're seeing the effects of abortion, same-sex 'marriage,' pornography, euthanasia, moral indifference and terrorism,' Ritchie said.
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September 19, 2012 -- Michelle Bauman --
Campus tour invites college students to vote pro-life first
A new nationwide initiative is asking young American voters to remember the importance of life when they cast their ballots this November.
"We wanted to find a way to engage young pro-lifers in this election," said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, the country's largest pro-life youth organization.
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September 18, 2012 -- (CNA/EWTN News) -- Kevin J. Jones
Archbishop Chaput: Catholics responsible for evangelizing US
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput told the Los Angeles Catholic Prayer Breakfast Sept. 18 that Catholics must take responsibility for the evangelization of the country, and pursue this goal through humility and spiritual discipline.
"The task of preaching, teaching, growing and living the Catholic faith in our time, in this country, belongs to you and me. No one else can do it,"
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September 117, 2012 -- Patrick B. Craine --
Archbishop Chaput: I Certainly Can't Vote For Someone Who Is Pro-Choice!
As the November general election approaches, America's Catholic bishops have been walking a fine line as they strive to avoid appearances of partisanship while at the same time they wage a high-profile battle against the Obama administration over religious freedom.
"Jesus tells us very clearly that if we don’t help the poor, we’re going to go to hell," he insisted. "But Jesus didn’t say the government has to take care of them, or that we have to pay taxes to take care of them. Those are prudential judgments."
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Sept. 14, 2012 --
Catholic Colleges Make the Grade with U.S. News & World Report
The criteria used in most college rankings, like the ones newly released by U.S. News & World Report, don’t include some of the most important factors for Catholic families choosing a college. These include quality of the core curriculum, study in authentic Catholic theology and philosophy, interdisciplinary study, ethical formation, morality of campus life, and more.
Nevertheless, such rankings have some value, especially by confirming that faithful Catholic colleges measure up to other colleges even according to limited secular criteria.
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Sept. 14, 2012 --
Fact Check: No Accrediting Backlash Against Franciscan University
An accrediting agency has challenged false media reports that the Franciscan University of Steubenville faces difficulties with the accreditor because of its sociology course on “Deviant Behavior,” according to the National Catholic Register.
Earlier this month, an unofficial group calling itself Franciscan University Gay Alumni and Allies launched a public relations campaign against the University, because the sociology course lists homosexuality among the discussion topics. The University explained that “deviant” is a sociological term and not intended to offend anyone; moreover, Franciscan University is committed to upholding Catholic teaching, which describes homosexuality as a morally “disordered” inclination.
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Sept. 13, 2012 -- Christian Newswire
Conservatives Launch Fight Against $106 Billion in Stealth CR Spending
Conservative leaders have launched an urgent appeal asking Tea Partiers and grassroots conservatives to call their representative and senators to urge a vote against the Continuing Resolution (CR) that will come to the House floor later today and before the Senate in the near future.
.... The original discussion of a "clean" six months CR at the $1.047 trillion level has been increased by approximately $106 billion.
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Sept. 11, 2012 -- Jerusalem Post
PM: World has no right to give Israel a 'red light'
Netanyahu charges that those unwilling to set red lines on Iran should not stop Israeli action; former IDF chief Ashkenazi says strong US ties a "security necessity"; MK Danon calls Clinton's Iran stance a "slap in the face."
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Tuesday said that the world has "no moral right" to put a "red light" in front of Israel if it refuses to set a "red line" for Iran.
Speaking ahead of a government to government meeting with Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Metodiev Borisov in Jerusalem, Netanyahu said, "Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines in front of Iran, don't have a moral right to put a red light in front of Israel. They must understand that there is a red line so they stop."
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Sept. 11, 2012 -- Christian Newswire
American Heritage Girls Blitzes Communities with First Annual National Day of Service
Thousands of Hours Donated by Catholic Troops Across the Nation Sept. 15
American Heritage Girls (AHG), a Christ-centered character development program for girls kindergarten through age 18, will demonstrate faith through hands and feet of service on its first annual National Day of Service Sept. 15. National Day of Service is AHG's response to the command of Jesus to "love one another."
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SEPT. 9, 2012 -- Delphi
Republican and Democratic platforms vs the Constitution and Judeo-Christian principles
Compare excerpts from the 2012 political platform
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SEPT. 9, 2012 -- CHARLOTTE, NC -- Christian Newswire
Women are Already Dying of Botched Abortions in Emergency Rooms While Obama Looks the Other Way
During her speech at the Democratic National Convention, abortion activist Sandra Fluke accused Republican Vice-Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan of supporting a bill that "would allow pregnant women to die preventable deaths in our emergency rooms." This comment was in reference to Ryan's pro-life stance.
"We have news for Sandra Fluke. Women are already dying in our emergency rooms from botched abortions while President Obama looks the other way. Just ask the family of Tonya Reaves," said Troy Newman President of Operation Rescue and Pro-Life Nation.
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SEPT. 7, 2012 --
Washington Bishops: Gay "Marriage" Threat to Catholic Education
The bishops of the State of Washington issued a warning to Catholics about the untold ramifications of changing the definition of marriage, including a direct threat to faithful Catholic education:
At the November referendum, the state’s voters will have the opportunity to ratify or reject a new state law allowing same-sex marriage.
In addition, the legal separation of marriage from procreation would have a chilling effect on religious liberty and the right of conscience. Once marriage is redefined as a genderless contract, it will become legally discriminatory for public and private institutions such as schools to promote the unique value of children being raised by their biological mothers and fathers.
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September 06, 2012 -- CWN
At Democratic convention, 'Nuns on the Bus' sister rips Ryan budget, says USCCB backs her views
Hours after telling a reporter that she does not know whether abortion should be illegal, the executive director of the social justice lobby Network addressed the Democratic National Convention and blasted the budget proposed by vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan.
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SEPT. 6, 2012 -- By Ann Schneible --
Marian Devotion in a Post Vatican II Era
Mariology Society of America President Reflects on Rosary and Our Lady's Comeback
"Through this Year of Faith, in the new evangelization of the Church, Mary is the mother who is also the leader of evangelization" -- these are the words of Father James Phalan, president of the Mariology Society of America, and a participant in this year's conference "Mariology since Vatican II," hosted by the Pontifical Antonianum University and currently under way in Rome.
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September 6, 2012 -- Christian Newswire
Bishop E.W. Jackson (Exodus Faith Ministries) Continues Call for Mass Exodus Out of Democrat Party
Moves Ahead with Press Conference at National Press Club in Washington DC on September 10 at 1pm
In a nationwide effort that has gone viral, Bishop E.W. Jackson, President of STAND (Staying True to America's National Destiny) has called for a mass Exodus of Christians and believing Jews from the Democrat Party - "EXODUS NOW!" His call was precipitated by Democrats adding "same-sex marriage" to their Party Platform, and given more momentum by the removal of "God" and the affirmation of Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.
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August 28, 2012 -- John-Henry Westen --
Pope suggests it's best to be 'honest' and leave the Church if you don't believe
In his Angelus address Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI spoke of Judas' betrayal of Christ, saying that Judas' problem was failing to leave Christ when he no longer believed - a "falsehood," said the Pope, "which is a mark of the devil."
"Judas," said Pope Benedict, "could have left, as many of the disciples did; indeed, he would have left if he were honest. Instead he remained with Jesus. He did not remain because of faith, or because of love, but with the secret intention of taking vengeance on the Master."
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August 30, 2012 -- CNA
Obama's pitch to women misses important issues, Alvare says
Highlighting abortion draws attention to Obama's own extreme record, she said, including his vote as an Illinois senator to permit the infanticide of children who survived an abortion and his failure to condemn late-term and sex-selective abortions.
In February, Alvaré helped initiate an open letter to the Obama administration on behalf of women who wanted to speak for themselves about the controversial HHS mandate that requires employers to offer health insurance covering contraception, sterilization and early abortion-inducing drugs.
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August 30, 2012 -- /Christian Newswire/
Pro-life Community to Remember the Victims of Abortion at the Time Warner Arena in Charlotte as the DNC Prepares to Start
Members to conduct prayer service and lay 3,300 flowers in front of the Time Warner Arena on Friday, Aug. 31.
The 3,300 flowers represent the number of innocent children that are aborted every day in America and the number of women who are daily bruised and diminished through abortion.
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August 29, 2012 -- (
U.S. Politics and the Culture of Death
...One of the first things President Obama did when he took office in January 2009 was reverse the Bush administration policy that restricted federal funding for international organizations that promote or provide abortions. The Obama administration, in collusion with an anti-life Congress, has since been funneling an average of more than $45 million a year to the abortion-pushing United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The Bush administration did not fund UNFPA at all.
If $45 million sounds like a lot, consider the nearly $600 million spent in 2010 alone on the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). USAID, under the Obama administration, pushes abortion and contraception around the world. These are just two examples of how your tax dollars are being spent, in the midst of serious domestic economic problems, to promote an anti-life agenda all over the world.
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August 30, 2012 -- (
Iran’s Supreme Leader Praises U.S. ‘Occupy’ Movement
The Ayatollah Ali Khamenei the "supreme leader" of Iran praised America’s "Occupy Wall Street" movement on Thursday, calling it a reflection of people around the world who are "losing their patience" with the dominance of the United States and Israel in the international community.
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August 25, 2012 -- Delphi
ACORN is gone but CCHD still supports community organizers.
ABLE (Atlantans Building Leadership for Empowerment)/Gamaliel is a multi-racial, inter-faith, regional coalition of congregations, unions, and grassroots organizations. Its mission is to develop and empower ordinary people to become leaders who bring about change in their communities for the common good.Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church is one of the congregations that is a component of ABLE, and ABLE is an affiliate of the Gamaliel Foundation. The Gamaliel Foundation is the organization which U.S. Sen. Barack Obama worked for when he was a community organizer in Chicago
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CCHD Grantee List June 2011 to 2012
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August 25, 2012 -- Delphi
The Gamaliel Foundation
The Gamaliel Network receives much of its funding from the leftist group Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). Yet according to the Roman Catholic Faithful website, GF's "goals and philosophies are at fundamental odds with Church teaching." GF endorses "scriptural relativism"and "encourage[s] a wide range of scriptural interpretations."
The Gamaliel Foundation models itself after the activism of the 1960s radical Saul Alinsky, who authored the books Reveille for Radicals (1946), The Professional Radical (1970), and Rules for Radicals (1971). Alinsky's prescription for effective organizing consisted of the following elements: (a) Develop a "trade union in the social factory" to serve as a vehicle by which people in the neighborhood can bargain, strike, and struggle to advance their agendas; (b) create a power-oriented community organization willing to use militant, confrontational tactics; and (c) promote a democratic organization where organizers do not themselves lead, but rather develop local leaders so as to create the veneer of self-determination and grassroots democracy.
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Alinskyian organizing linked to abortion movement
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August 28, 2012 --
Deceitfulness is
"the hallmark of the Devil"
Pope Benedict XVI
posted August 25, 2012 -- Delphi
Dangerous Flirting:
Russian Wonders Why West Is Enamored With Socialism
What Christians Should Do in the Public Square
Like a fair number of citizens from former Soviet-ruled countries, Russian pro-life campaigner Alexey Komov is surprised and disheartened to see the West flirting once again with socialism as a consequence of the global financial situation.
Whether it be in the form of support for the Obama administration, or the backing of other socialist-leaning policies and political parties, he sees the trend as disturbing and irrational.
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Sister Carol Keehan is a director at CRS.
Sister Carol Keehan, DC, without whose help the pro abortion healthcare bill would not have passed is President and CEO of the Catholic Health Association and is also on the Board of CRS, the Catholic Relief Services
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August 24, 2012 -- Jim Stipe --
CRS Responds to Allegations About Staff
Catholic Relief Services is committed to upholding the teaching of the Church in all we do as we carry out the Gospel mission of serving the poor and vulnerable and defending human dignity around the world. CRS has been subject to serial attacks in the last month accusing the agency of not adhering to Church teaching. The latest of these is aimed at named employees. Here are the facts:
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August 24, 2012 --
Benedict XVI to the International Forum of Catholic Action
Lay people co-responsible for the being and acting of the Church
Co-responsibility demands a change of mindset, particularly with regard to the role of lay people in the Church. The Pope wrote this in a Message addressed to the participants in the International Forum of Catholic Action, taking place in Ias,i, Romania. Benedict XVI emphasized the need for “a mature and committed laity” to be consolidated, “which can make its own specific contribution to the ecclesial mission with respect for the ministries and tasks that each one has in the life of the Church and always in cordial communion with the bishops”.
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August 23, 2012 -- Christian Newswire
Survey shows US voter confusion on abortion
American voters have confused and conflicting ideas about legal abortion, a new Pew Research study shows.
According to the new survey, 49% see the Democratic Party as more representative of their views on abortion, while only 33% favor the Republican stance. Yet only 20%, and 26% of Democrats, believe that abortion should be legal in all circumstances, which is essentially the posture of the Democratic Party. Women favor the Democratic approach by a large margin: 52% to 32%. Yet women are only slightly more likely than men—55% to 51%--to favor unrestricted legal abortion.
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August 23, 2012 -- Christian Newswire
In Speech to Latino Leaders, Carl Anderson Calls on Hispanics to Consider Key Issues When Voting
Anderson tells Catholic Association of Latino Leaders that voters should not surrender their values at the border to gain admission to the United States
By rethinking the conventional wisdom about core voting issues, Hispanic Catholics can transform American politics.
That is the message that Supreme Knight Carl Anderson of the Knights of Columbus will deliver to more than 100 Hispanic business and civic leaders meeting in Miami for the annual conference of the Catholic Association of Latino Leaders (CALL).
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August 21, 2012 -- Steven Ertelt --
Republicans Approve Strongly Pro-Life Platform on Abortion
The approved draft of the Republican Party platform will have the GOP again adopting a strongly pro-life document that voters will be receptive to as they consider replacing pro-abortion President Barack Obama this November.
....“Faithful to the ‘self-evident’ truths enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed,” the draft GOP platform states. “We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children.”
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August 21, 2012 -- Patrick B. Craine --
Woman who rammed pro-lifers with car was Catholic Relief Services employee
As Catholic Relief Services responds to criticisms over its partnerships with pro-abortion anti-poverty groups, LifeSiteNews has discovered that the aid organization also has a history of hiring employees with strong ties to pro-abortion and pro-contraception organizations.
One CRS employee lists the pro-abortion Pro-Choice Resources and Institute of Women and Ethnic Studies as former employers on her LinkedIn resume, while another was hired by the Catholic aid organization directly from the pro-abortion Population Services International.
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August 17, 2012 -- Dr. Jeff Mirus --
Climate Change and Moral Knowledge
Since writing yesterday’s On the Culture entry, The Moral Downside of Climate Change, I’ve received quite a bit of email, including some from Catholic climate scientists, contesting and, in some cases, misunderstanding the point I was trying to make. Let me say at the outset that, after doing some more research, I will write something about the specific disputes among scientists concerning climate change. Because I am not yet prepeared to do that here, many will be disappointed. But for now I wish to offer some clarifications relating to my original moral point.
I have argued that it is both wrong and dangerous to elevate climate change into a moral cause, and I would first like to explain more carefully what I do not mean by this statement. First, I do not at all mean that we should be unconcerned about those who may be adversely affected by climate change.
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August 16, 2012 -- Dr. Jeff Mirus --
The Moral Downside of Climate Change
Now that parishes and Catholic schools are being urged to show a documentary on climate change, perhaps it is time to comment on the wisdom of attempting to turn climate change into a moral issue. This is a danger currently being courted by those who portray climate change both as a disaster of epic proportions and as something we can control, causing them to seek to invest the issue with a high moral priority in both education and politics.
Based on my own review of the arguments surrounding climate change, I believe that the evidence is scanty or non-existent that these changes are either well-understood or under our control even in theory. The situation is even more dubious when we consider what realistic steps a disunited world with very limited financial resources is likely to be able take to effect any consistent or controlled change.
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August 17, 2012 --
Arab Spring run amok: 'Brotherhood' starts crucifixions
The Arab Spring takeover of Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood has run amok, with reports from several different media agencies that the radical Muslims have begun crucifying opponents of newly installed President Mohammed Morsi.
…….Lopez includes a warning for Egypt's Christians and compares the coming treatment of the Christians to the Jews in Germany.
"The Copts must get out of Egypt as soon as possible - for the many millions who will not be able to get out, I expect things will continue to deteriorate - just as they did for Germany's and Europe's Jews from the 1930s onward," Lopez said.
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August 16, 2012 -- Cassy Fiano --
Catholics for Obama Selling Out Church Saying He’s Pro-Life
Nicholas Cafardi, a lawyer and newly named co-chair of Catholics for Obama, has made a rather outrageous claim. In light of the Catholic Charities controversy, Cafardi is making the rather dubious claim that it is Obama, and not Mitt Romney, who is the “true” pro-life candidate in this presidential election.
Cafardi claims that while Obama is pro-abortion and Romney is pro-life, Obama is still the more “anti-abortion, pro-life” candidate of the two. Why? Well, Cafardi claims that Obama and the Affordable Care Act will not pay for abortions (wrong – the ACA certainly does, and the Obama administration has also bypassed states’ decisions to defund Planned Parenthood). He claims that, since the Affordable Care Act will give women millions of dollars in support for pregnant women, Obama will actually be lowering the amount of abortions. (You’ll excuse my skepticism.)
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August 16, 2012 -- Meaghen Hale --
Catholic Relief Services scandal hits the blogosphere
In July, LifeSiteNews broke the story of Catholic Relief Services, “the official overseas relief and development agency of the USCCB,” granting $5.3 million to CARE, a pro-contraception and pro-abortion organization.
Since then, numerous blogs have picked up the story—and investigated further. “Red State” has reported on CRS as a dues-paying member of both the pro-conraception CORE Group and the pro-abortion group MEDiCAM.
“Societas Restituo Catholicam” has the evidence on MEDiCAM in a detailed post showing visual proof of the company’s “firm commitment to expanding abortion” since 2005.
In a press release, CRS said their involvement with these organizations actually demonstrates “our faithfulness to Church teaching” because they can “contribute our Catholic voice to the conversation.”
The inconsistencies of the explanation have been hashed out at “Veneremur Cernui” in a series of posts going back to February 2010, when CRS hit the spotlight for giving money to global warming advocates.
Each blog names employees at CRS who are, the evidence suggests, directly involved in programs that go against Church teaching. They take issue with the CRS’s statement that “CRS seeks to advance the common good of the world through the uncommon excellence of our staff, partners and programs.”
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Ed: "Fallen Catholics are our most dangerous enemies"
August 16, 2012 --
Catholic College Profs Among "Catholics for Obama" 2012
Relying heavily on left-leaning academics at Catholic colleges and universities, the Obama campaign on Monday unveiled its “Catholics for Obama” team for 2012 in an effort to boost its Catholic vote.
Among those leading the group are several pro-abortion rights politicians along with faculty members at Catholic colleges including Sister Jamie Phelps, director of the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University in New Orleans; Nicholas Cafardi, a canon and civil lawyer who teaches at the Duquesne Law School in Pittsburgh; Thomas Groome of Boston College, a theologian; and Stephen Schneck, director of the Institute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies at Catholic University of America.
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August 15, 2012 -- National Catholic Register
Paul Ryan’s Bishop Defends Him Amid Attacks on His Application of Church Teaching
Bishop Robert Morlino says he's not endorsing Ryan, but upholds the candidate's reputation as a serious Catholic committed to applying Church social doctrine.
Earlier this year, when Georgetown University announced that Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., the chairman of the House Budget Committee, would defend his budget in a public address, almost 90 faculty members at the Jesuit institution publicly denounced his interpretation of Church doctrine.
While the media generally presented the harsh judgment as a sign that Ryan's budget proposals violated core beliefs of his Church, most news stories failed to examine why the subsequent appearance of Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, at a Georgetown graduation event did not provoke a comparable furor.
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August 15, 2012 -- Judie Brown --
An open letter to Cardinal Dolan about the Obama invitation
Your Eminence,
During the last week, there has been much written on diocesan websites and by other bishops concerning the controversy created by your invitation to President Obama to attend the Alfred E. Smith dinner. Much of what has been written seeks to justify that invitation.
American Life League recently launched an effort to convince you to rescind that invitation. The reason for this memo is to let you know exactly why we are doing what we are doing.
First, let me point out that Cardinal Egan invited Mr. Obama to this same dinner four years ago and we did not object. Although we disagreed with Obama’s basic philosophies, we felt that an attempt by the cardinal to show congeniality was worth trying.
However, it is now four years later and it is clear that whatever the cardinal hoped to accomplish at the 2008 dinner did not work. In four short years, President Obama has done everything in his power to undermine the teachings of the Catholic Church.
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August 13, 2012 -- John-Henry Westen --
Cardinal Dolan asks: More scandal by inviting candidates or not inviting them?
New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan has for the first time personally responded to what he refers to as "stacks of mail protesting the invitation to President Obama." The strongly pro-life Archbishop and head of the USCCB says he takes seriously the charge of scandal, and apologizes "if I have given such scandal." He wonders however, "would I give more scandal by inviting the two candidates, or by not inviting them?"
In his defense, the Cardinal notes that Pope Benedict XVI received President Obama. Cardinal Dolan says he and his fellow bishops are similarly "open to dialogue" with the administration.
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August 11, 2012 -- Catholics for Romney
U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan
U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan is in his seventh term in Congress representing Wisconsin's First Congressional District.
The Ryans reside in Janesville with their three children, Liza, Charlie and Sam. The family are parishioners at St. John Vianney Catholic Church.
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August 11, 2012 --
Pro-life leaders ‘thrilled’ with Mitt Romney’s choice of pro-life Paul Ryan as vice president
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has chosen Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate.
Romney introduced the pro-life Catholic as his vice presidential choice at a campaign stop in Norfolk, Virginia, on Saturday morning.
In his acceptance speech Ryan said, "America is more than a place; it’s an idea. It’s the only country founded on an idea. Our rights come from nature and God, not government."
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To Archbishop Dolan: Please cancel the Al Smith dinner!
August 6, 2012 -- Steven Ertelt --
Obama Attendance at Catholic Charities Dinner Sparks Criticism
President Barack Obama has been invited to attend the annual Al Smith Catholic Charities dinner this October in New York and the participation of the pro-abortion president at the dinner is drawing nationwide condemnation.
Obama accepted the invitation of Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the president of the U.S Conference of Catholic bishops. The Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner is an annual fundraiser for North York Catholic Charities and will be held on the third Thursday of October.
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Ed: Millions are starving while we burn corn for fuel!
The King of Starvation - Barack Obama
It is reasonable to estimate that global biofuel production has killed between 20 and 80 million people worldwide since 1980 through malnutrition and related illness. By "kill" I mean the primary cause of death. Any estimate below 20 million would be ridiculously low. An estimate higher than 80 million is plausible, but less likely and more difficult to prove. It is also reasonable to estimate that biofuel production has been a significant contributing factor in up to 150 million human deaths since 1980.
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August 9, 2012 -- National Review Online
Baltimore Archbishop: Catholic Voters Can’t Vote for a Candidate Who Stands for an Intrinsic Evil
“This is a big moment for Catholic voters to step back from their party affiliation,” Baltimore archbishop William E. Lori tells me from the Knights of Columbus annual convention in Anaheim, Calif.
For Catholic voters in November, Lori advises, “The question to ask is this: Are any of the candidates of either party, or independents, standing for something that is intrinsically evil, evil no matter what the circumstances? If that’s the case, a Catholic, regardless of his party affiliation, shouldn’t be voting for such a person.”
At the convention this week, the message wasn’t just coming from Lori, the chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ new committee on religious liberty, but also from a letter conveying greetings from Pope Benedict XVI, commending the Knights and their work, specifically in defense of religious liberty. The Knights have been known to get papal encouragement, but this implicit comment on a contentious political issue is not part of the routine, reflecting what the letter calls the “unprecedented gravity” of the current situation.
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August 9, 2012 --
Millions more will go hungry as world struggles to respond to unprecedented food crises and sharply rising prices
PM's hunger summit welcome & should kick start reforms to end "scandal" of a billion hungry people - "we cannot keep relying on humanitarian agencies to pick up the pieces"
Rising global food prices will force millions more people to go hungry and put massive additional strain on already overstretched humanitarian agencies, Oxfam warned today ahead of this weekend's global hunger summit in Downing Street.
A briefing published by the international agency today forecasts that millions of people who are currently "just getting by" in developing countries will start going hungry unless urgent action is taken to protect them from rising food prices.
Global futures prices for food staples such as corn and wheat have increased by as much as 50% since June, triggered by severe droughts in the US and Russia. A previous rapid food price spike in 2008 contributed to food riots in up to 30 countries.
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August 8, 2012 -- By Matthew C. Harrison
HHS mandate: An attack on all people of faith
For months, this nation has been debating the coming HHS mandate, but last week, this mandate became a reality and the end of our religious freedom in this country has begun. The mandate, would effectively force religious institutions, as well as businesses and organizations, to pay for services such as contraception, sterilization, and abortion-inducing drugs that are in direct conflict with their deeply held beliefs. The mandate will ask them to make the impossible choice between following the letter of the law and operating within the framework of their religious tenets.
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August 6, 2012 --
Pope cites 'unprecedented gravity' of threat to religious freedom in US
Pope Benedict XVI has warned of the "unprecedented gravity" of threats to religious freedom of Catholics in the US.
In a message to the 130th Supreme Convention of the Knights of Columbus, which takes place this week in Anaheim, California, the Pope praises the American tradition of freedom--especially religious freedom--but notes "the responsibility of each new generation to preserve, defend and advance those great ideals in its own day."
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August 1, 2012 -- Cardinal Newman Society
Religious Persecution Begins, Targets College Students
The Cardinal Newman Society, a national organization to help renew and strengthen Catholic identity in Catholic higher education, issued the following statement:
August 1, 2012, marks the formal beginning of the persecution of Catholic colleges and universities that wish to remain faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
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July 27, 2012 --
Federal judge backs Colorado firm's bid to block HHS contraceptive mandate
A federal judge in Colorado has given a preliminary legal victory to a privately owned business, granting an injunction to stop the implementation of the Obama administration’s contraceptive mandate.
Hercules Industries--a firm owned by a Catholic family, the Newlands had argued that the mandate would force the owners either to violate their consciences or to suffer severe financial penalties. Judge John Kane agreed, saying that the government’s interest in a health-insurance program are countered, and indeed outweighed, by the public interest in the free exercise of religion.
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July 27, 2012 --
US bishops' point man on same-sex marriage named new Archbishop of San Francisco
Pope Benedict XVI has named Bishop Salvatore Cordileone the new Archbishop of San Francisco.
The appointment is certain to create shockwaves in a city known for homosexual activism. Recognized as a leading force behind the 2008 passage of Proposition 8, the ballot initiative that defined marriage as the union of a man and a woman, Archbishop-elect Cordileone was named chairman of the US bishops' Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage in 2011 by Cardinal Timothy Dolan.
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July 26, 2012 -- Catholic News Service
Building a Culture of Religious Freedom
by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput gave this keynote Address at the Napa Institute Conference
Archdiocese of Philadelphia
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July 23, 2012 -- Catholic News Service
Cardinal Burke Says Theologians’ Mandatum Should Be Required by Colleges, Disclosed to Students
Catholic families have a right to know which theology professors have the mandatum, and Catholic colleges and universities should require it as a condition for employment, affirmed the Vatican’s chief judge Cardinal Raymond Burke in a new report prompted by recent concerns from Pope Benedict XVI.
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July 23, 2012 -- Catholic News Service
Vatican withdraws recognition of Peru university as 'Catholic'
The Vatican has withdrawn the titles "Catholic" and "Pontifical" from a university in Peru after decades of discussions over the school's Catholic identity and after tensions between university officials and the local cardinal over control of the school's assets.
In a communique published July 21, the Vatican said Lima's Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, founded in 1917 and given Vatican recognition in 1942, could no longer call itself a pontifical Catholic university.
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July 18, 2012, 8:45 AM
Church demolished in Haryana
Religious communities to meet to resolve building dispute.
Village leaders will meet church advocates after Hindus opposing the construction of a church tore down the partially built structure and stopped all work at the site on Saturday.
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July 16, 2012 --
Nun Reveals Truth About LCWR Assessment
Sister Mary Rose Reddy "We Do Not Feel at All Represented by the LCWR"
What did the Holy See actually say to the LCWR?
Recently the Office of the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith issued a statement entitled, Doctrinal Assessment of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious.
Many people in the United States have mistakenly regarded this document as disparaging to women religious.
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July 14, 2012 -- Operation Rescue
Mississippi Judge Allows Law that Could Close Last Abortion Clinic to Take Effect For Now
Jackson, MS — Operation Rescue releases the following statement concerning Friday’s Federal Court Order that allows the Mississippi law mandating that abortionists maintain local hospital privileges to go into effect for now. The statement is attributable to Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue:
......This law is meant to protect women by ensuring that they have continuity of care in the event of life-threatening abortion complications, where delays can be fatal.
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World Youth Day 2013 official prayer released by the World Youth Day office in Rio.
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July 9, 2012 -- U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Religious Freedom Campaign: It's Only Just Begun
The bishops' Fortnight for Freedom (, June 21-July 4, is over, but the concern for religious liberty has only begun to be heard. The two-week launch got people listening and praying. Now where do those who want to stand up for religious freedom go?
The answer is everywhere because religious freedom is a worldwide concern.
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July 7, 2012 -- Lahore (Agenzia Fides)
The sister of a Christian Pastor kidnapped, raped and forcibly converted to Islam.
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June 28, 2012 -- Christian Newswire/
SCOTUS Health Care Decision's Impact on Young Americans
Statement by Generation Opportunity President Paul T. Conway
.... "President Obama's health care law stands as one of the largest tax increases in American history, it will be paid for by young Americans, whose dreams and plans for the future have already been derailed by failed policies that have denied their access to full-time, meaningful jobs in their chosen career paths. Young adults know they will pay the true costs of President Obama's legislation -- over a trillion dollars more in federal spending, more waste and fraud, increased American debt, and the inability to keep or choose healthcare plans that best suit their needs as individuals. Elections have consequences, and young adults will be organizing themselves far more actively than some might assume -- they will not settle for leadership that ignores their concerns, limits their freedoms, and continues to bankrupt their futures."
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June 28, 2012 -- CWN
Father Pavone wins partial victory on Vatican appeal
Father Frank Pavone, the president of Priests for Life, has won at least a partial victory in a conflict with his bishop over his leadership of the pro-life group.
Bishop Patrick Zurek of Amarillo, Texas, has announced that in May, the Vatican's Congregation for Clergy "sustained Father Frank A. Pavone's appeal of his suspension from ministry outside the Diocese of Amarillo." Bishop Zurek had announced that suspension last September, citing his "deep concerns regarding his stewardship of the finances of the Priests for Life organization" and about Father Pavone's reluctance to accept episcopal oversight.
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June 28, 2012 -- Christian Newswire/
Statement on Israel Divestment Resolution by the Presbyterian Church USA
The following statement responds to an upcoming vote at the Presbyterian Church USA's June 30 - July 7 General Assembly on its divestment from the Motorola Solutions, Hewlett-Packard and Caterpillar corporations because of services they provide in Israel and to the Israeli government:
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June 28, 2012 --
Supreme Court upholds health care law, individual mandate
The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, drawing cries of disappointment and concern from pro-life and religious freedom advocates nationwide.
Christen Varley, executive director of Conscience Cause, a nonpartisan advocacy organization that works to secure and defend religious freedom, said that she was “extremely disappointed” with the decision.
“The first line of the First Amendment in our Constitution guarantees all Americans the right to religious freedom, as our forefathers intended,” Varley said. “Now, we have opened the door to a government that sees no limit to the amount of freedoms it can take away.”
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Knights' Leader Says Catholic Voters Must Demand Respect for Church Teaching
Catholic voters must demand respect for their moral convictions and the Church's freedom in 2012 and beyond, the head of the Knights of Columbus said in a June 22 speech.
The faithful “must have the courage to act boldly” by insisting that candidates “respect the integrity and mission of the Catholic Church and its institutions,” Supreme Knight Carl Anderson told journalists gathered for the 2012 Catholic Media Conference in Indianapolis.
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June 25, 2012 /Christian Newswire/
Bullying Crisis Horrifies Parents,
Ignites Homeschool Revolution -- Research Reveals
While working on a new reality TV series, called Homeschool Television, to appear on in the fall of 2012, research revealed that the current bullying crisis in public and private schools is a direct link to horrified parents joining the Homeschool Revolution.
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June 22, 2012 -- Steven Ertelt --
Pro-Life Group: Senate Bill Would Limit Free Speech on Candidates
The National Right to Life Committee has frequently gone to bat for the right of the pro-life community to speak out about candidates and elected officials and their records and positions on pro-life issues like abortion.
NRLC was one of the key opponents of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform measure that the Supreme Court did not allow to stand because it would infringe on First Amendment protections. Now, the pro-life organization is worried about another measure, S. J. Res. 29, a proposed constitutional amendment that NRLC says would cut the heart out of the First Amendment.
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June 22, 2012 -- Sister Renée Mirkes
Myth-Busting the Mandate Debate
From the "War on Women" to "a Catholics-only fight" coverage of the HHS controversy is rife with distortions and misinformation.
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Jun 20, 2012 --
‘Get in line’ or ‘resign’ Admiral tells military chaplain
Although the U.S. Military fight and die to uphold freedom, high-level military chaplains report they are increasingly being denied freedom of conscience and freedom of speech. There is also alarm about the negative effects on troop morale over the undoing of the 237-years’ practice of providing traditional religious support for U.S. soldiers.
“We were promised that we would see no change - very little change,” says Col. Ron Crews, alluding to a two-star officer’s assurance that the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal would not impede the ministry of military chaplains. That promise, he says, has not been kept.
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Jun 19, 2012 -- Matthew Archbold --
Garvey: Six Proofs that Our Religious Liberty Is Threatened
The Catholic University of America President John Garvey addressed the General Assembly of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Atlanta, Ga., last week and offered six reasons to believe that religious liberty is under attack.
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June 19, 2012 --
NRLB: No Religious Exemption for Duquesne
Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, one of three Catholic colleges forced to struggle against the National Labor Relations Board’s unconstitutional violations of religious liberty, just got some bad news. The NRLB reportedly is refusing to grant the university a religious exemption.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported:
The National Labor Relations Board in Pittsburgh Monday denied a religious exemption sought by Duquesne University to the board’s campus jurisdiction, a decision that clears the way for a scheduled union election by adjunct faculty starting Friday.
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Abortion Proponents Admit Defeat at Rio Conference
Jun 20, 2012 -- C-Fam -- Timothy Herrmann
In an astounding show of solidarity, a diverse group of countries rallied together with the Holy See to successfully remove any mention of reproductive rights or population control from the final outcome document produced during the last round of UN negotiations at the Rio +20 conference this week.
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June 20, 2012 /Christian Newswire
Knights of Columbus Files Formal Comment on HHS Mandate
The Knights of Columbus filed a formal comment with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services today, calling on the government to rethink the unpopular healthcare Mandate that seeks to force many Catholic employers to cover interventions that violate their faith without regard for the First Amendment's guarantee of the free exercise of religion.
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June 19, 2012 -- Christian Newswire
Civil Rights Attorneys File Additional Comments Opposing Government Rules Mandating Insurance Coverage of Abortifacient Drugs Not Intended to be Covered by Obamacare
Attorneys again ask HHS to either exclude from their list of "preventative services" any drug that may in any case cause a medical abortion or broaden the exemption to allow all organizations and individuals to continue the current practice of being able to offer sponsor and obtain health coverage that does not violate their moral and religious convictions.
Following up on its comments last year opposing the mandatory health insurance coverage of such "preventative services" as contraception, abortion, sterilization and counseling in furtherance of these services (popularly known as the "HHS Mandate"), today attorneys with the Jubilee Campaign's Law of Life Project (JC-LOLP) timely filed with the U.S. Health and Human and Human Services (HHS) its further agency comments critiquing the Obama Administration's March 12, 2012 "Advanced Notice of Proposed Final Rules"
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June 18, 2012 -- -- Kathryn Jean Lopez
Bishops Unite - A call for authenticity in the face of injustice.
‘We will not fail,” Archbishop William Lori declared at the quarterly meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Atlanta on June 13.
Tasked with leading a committee on religious liberty, the Baltimore archbishop was not making an empty boast but asserting a confidence born of belief. He was not prophesying the fate of the HHS mandate that requires employers to offer insurance covering contraception, sterilization, and abortifacients. He was not forecasting GOP victory in the 2012 elections. He was simply noting that those gathered at the conference ultimately have their eyes set on eternal life and not so much on November, breaking-news tweets, the next hour’s headlines, or even the Sunday-collection numbers.
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June 18, 2012 --
Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments as follows:
June 21 marks the beginning of the "Fortnight for Freedom" events, the campaign for religious liberty being conducted by the nation’s bishops. Fair-minded persons may disagree with this effort, but there is something unseemly going on when those who work for a George Soros-funded group are quietly providing talking points to the media.
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Anti-liberty campaign
June 18, 2012 -- Christian Newswire
The Great American Fast Set to Take Center Stage
This year's Great American Fast is set for September 7, 2012 beginning at 6:00 p.m. and continuing through September 8, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. The purpose of The Great American Fast is to call all praying Americans together to fast and/or pray for the very presence of God in our nation once again.
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June 15, 2012 --
Catholic Health Association reverses course on mandate accommodation
In a call for broader religious exemptions, the Catholic Health Association has backtracked from its initial support for the Obama administration’s compromise on a rule that mandates employer coverage of contraception and sterilization.
The association said it is “imperative” that the administration abandon its “narrow” definition of religious employer and exempt not only churches but also Catholic hospitals, health care organizations and other Church ministries.
It said it is “deeply concerned” by the administration’s approach to “contraceptive services, especially abortifacient drugs and sterilization.”
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June 15, 2012 -- -- Thomas Farr
The Catholic Church and the Global Crisis of Religious Liberty
Address to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops at their June meeting.
.... I have been privileged to spend the last 13 years of my life reflecting, writing and acting on the subject of religious liberty, both here and abroad. Those years have convinced me of three propositions that will frame my remarks today:
First, both history and modern scholarship demonstrate that a robust system of religious liberty in both law and culture is indispensible to individual human dignity and to the social, economic, intellectual, political and religious flourishing of civil societies and of nations.
Second, religious liberty is in global crisis, with enormous consequences for the Church, the United States, the success of democracy, the defeat of religion-based terrorism, and the cause of international justice and peace.
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June 11, 2012 --
Stand Up for Religious Freedom rallies draw thousands; little media coverage
Tens of thousands of Americans participated in Stand Up for Religious Freedom demonstrations on June 8, in cities scattered all across the country.
The Pro-Life Action League and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society reported that more than 150 events had been held on Friday, at public places from Boston to Los Angeles. The events—devoted to rallying opposition to the Obama administration’s plan for a contraceptive mandate—were virtually ignored by the mainstream media.
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June 11, 2012 --
Bishop Blair strongly defends call for reform of LCWR
Bishop Blair questioned whether it is appropriate for the LCWR—a group that operates with the official recognition of the Vatican—to provide a forum for such dissent:
Serious questions of faith undoubtedly arise among some women religious, as the LCWR maintains. However, is it the role of a pontifically recognized leadership group to criticize and undermine faith in church teaching by what is said and unsaid, or rather to work to create greater understanding and acceptance of what the Church believes and teaches?
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NOTE: Both LCWR and CHA supported the health care bill after all pro-life amendments were rejected.
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Join HLI and the USCCB in Prayer During the Fortnight for Freedom Campaign
On April 12, the Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Liberty of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) issued a document, "Our First, Most Cherished Liberty,” outlining the bishops’ concerns over threats to religious freedom, both at home and abroad. The bishops called for a “Fortnight for Freedom,” a 14-day period of prayer, education and action in support of religious freedom, from June 21-July 4.
The fourteen days from June 21—the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More—to July 4, Independence Day, are dedicated to this “fortnight for freedom”—a great hymn of prayer for our country. Culminating on Independence Day, this special period of prayer, study, catechesis, and public action would emphasize both our Christian and American heritage of liberty.
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Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rallies Tomorrow, June 8
Obama Attempts to Diffuse National Religious Freedom Rally in Nearly 160 Cities with 75,000 Participants Expected
CHICAGO, June 7, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- This morning, the Obama White House is holding an "Online Women's Health Townhall" meeting, one day before the Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rallies take place in over 150 cities throughout the country.
Tomorrow, June 8, at noon local time across the country, tens of thousands of Americans in 160 cities coast to coast will take to the streets in public protest against the controversial HHS Mandate during the second nationwide Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally.
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June 7, 2012 --
A Protestant church ordered to close, the crackdown on churches continues
Tehran (Agenzia Fides) - A Protestant church of the "Assembly of God" in the Janat-Abad area of Tehran, has been ordered the immediate closure by intelligence Branch of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. According to local sources, the Pastor who led the community was told to cancel all church activities. The faithful Christians who attended it are suddenly without a place of worship, is what is said in a statement sent to Fides by the NGO "Christian Solidarity Worldwide" (CSW).
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June 7, 2012 --
State Department Purges Religious Freedom Section from Its Human Rights Reports
The U.S. State Department removed the sections covering religious freedom from the Country Reports on Human Rights that it released on May 24, three months past the statutory deadline Congress set for the release of these reports.
The new human rights reports--purged of the sections that discuss the status of religious freedom in each of the countries covered--are also the human rights reports that include the period that covered the Arab Spring and its aftermath.
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June 7, 2012 --
Double standard: media coverage of abuse by priests, teachers
Writing for Catholic World Report, David Pierre notes that “the media never tires of harping on the failures of Catholic leaders from decades ago while giving far more recent episodes in public schools much less attention.”
“It recently came to light that 248 complaints of sexual misconduct involving school employees were reported in New York City public schools just in the first three months of 2012,” Pierre writes. “That’s an average of 2.75 sex-related complaints per day, including Saturdays and Sundays, in one city’s school system.”
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June 6 and 7, 2012 -- Thomas L. McDonald,
Is the Girl Scouts Safe for Catholic Girls? -- Part 1
U.S. bishops’ committee for laity looking into ‘possible problematic relationships with other organizations,’ materials and resources.
After years of questions and concerns about the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA), the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is conducting an inquiry into the organization and its relationship with the Catholic Church.
Part 1
Is the Girl Scouts Safe for Catholic Girls? -- Part 2
As the U.S. bishops take up an inquiry, parents continue to be concerned about the organization. Boys who 'identify' as girls are welcome to join in Colorado.
Part 2
June 5, 2012
"For Greater Glory"
The Cristeros' Fight for Religious Freedom in Mexico
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June 4, 2012 -- Donna F. Bethell,
What’s Going on With the LCWR?
In the 1950s, the Vatican established the Conference of Major Superiors of Women in the United States to provide a forum for women religious to develop educational, spiritual and apostolic resources and discuss their common interests. Its name was changed in 1971 to the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR). The LCWR would serve as a communications channel between the Vatican and women religious in the United States. Its purpose, responsibilities and statutes were approved by the Vatican.
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June 1, 2012 --
For Greater Glory: How a Largely Unknown Story Became an Epic Film
When the film For Greater Glory opens this weekend, it will tell the largely unknown story of religious persecution that occurred in our own hemisphere within the past century.
The Mexican-made movie tells the tale of the Cristero Rebellion, the Mexican peasant uprising against an oppressive government that took place between 1926 and 1929.
In his 1926 encyclical Iniquis Afflictisque, Pope Pius XI denounced the forces of “barbarism” that led to Mexican President Plutarco Calles’ persecution of Catholics and the Church.
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Threats to Religious Liberty
Girl Scouts?
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The Youth Statement to the UN and the World has been signed by 120,000 people including 57,000 under the age of 30
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March of the Survivors
All the polls show that young people are more pro-life than adults. This offers great hope for the future as these youngsters become voters and decision makers. Share the pro-life message with a young person today. As one of the speakers says, "The pro-life movement is getting younger and younger." Praise be to God! The energy and zeal of these youngsters fills me with hope.
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