This year's Great American Fast is set for September 7, 2012 beginning at 6:00 p.m. and continuing through September 8, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. The purpose of The Great American Fast is to call all praying Americans together to fast and/or pray for the very presence of God in our nation once again.
Although each church is able to observe the Fast in their own way at their location, the main observance will be held at The Lamar Lighthouse Camp in Lamar, PA. Many from across America will gather together for the sole purpose of seeking the face of God. The prayer time will be balanced out by four speakers from four different states.
Says Pastor William Kovacic who organized the Fast in 2011, "What began as a small town endeavor has reached across America and into six countries. We are really excited about what God is doing and we look forward to Him doing greater things."
The Great American Fast is not just one day of fasting and prayer, but a year-long seeking God through the Fast's interactive website at
America, it is time to get extremely serious and seek the face of our God before it is eternally too late.